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This week on the Get More Smarter Podcast, we’re back from an extended holiday break and hope you are too! There was A LOT of news while we were off, much of which can be explained by this handy graphic:
First of all, we’d like to give our sister blog a huge shoutout for turning TWENTY YEARS OLD on December 23rd. That’s right, the blog cannot drink, but the blog can serve in the armed forces, and buy a lottery ticket! So it’s got that going for it!
This week, we discuss who the real President of the United States is going to be in a few weeks, and why having the richest man in the world handpick the leader of white nationalist parties across the globe is a pretty concerning development. And, even though the Democratic Primary for Colorado’s statewide offices is over 17 months away, we’ve got TWO candidates for two of the state’s top spots that have already announced! Finally, we check in with soon-to-be-one-term Congressman Gabe-ish Evans as he bombs his first interview after being sworn in to a seat he’s just keeping warm for the 2026 Democratic Nominee; no need to get any books on those shelves because you’ll be moving back home before you know it.
That’s it for us this week! If you loved watching and/or listening to it as much as we loved recording it, you can thank us by subscribing to the pod wherever you listen, following us over on Nice Twitter aka Threads, or New Old Twitter AKA Bluesky, and forwarding this email or sharing this post with your friends, your enemies, and your empty bookshelves! THANK YOU so much for listening, and we’ll see you next time!
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