This week on the Get More Smarter Podcast, the battle for the soul of the Colorado Republican Party is beginning. Who will be the unluckiest Coloradan to get the worst job in the state? Then, the Colorado Senate Republicans have plans! And a bunch of crinkly dollar bills! And, about half the seats in the State Senate they need to do anything about it! Next, some men will literally intimidate witnesses to get a drunken rapist put in charge of the pentagon instead of going to therapy and our 7th favorite member of congress from Colorado kicks off his problem-solving independent-streaking district-voting career as a member of the US House of Representatives by falling straight in line with his party right away.
But first, CHOO CHOO, WE’RE TALKING TRAINS and buses and other transit things in our interview today because we have Chris Nicholson on the pod, the newest member of the Regional Transportation District Board joins us this week to talk about how to win a downticket race, what RTD is going to do with all the money the voters just gave them, and more! You’re not going to want to miss this incredible interview with a guy who sold his car seven years ago and has somehow made his way around Colorado all the same!
That’s it for us this week! If you loved watching and/or listening to it as much as we loved recording it, you can thank us by subscribing to the pod wherever you listen, following us over on New Old Twitter AKA Bluesky, subscribing to our shiny new channel on YouTube, and forwarding this email or sharing this post with your friends, your enemies, and your favorite transit rider who got elected to fix RTD! THANK YOU so much for listening, and we’ll see you next time!
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